CHEWIN’ THROUGH SNOW LIKE A MEG MUNCHES MOVIE EXTRAS Assuming everyone is still sky-high about aviation after this weekend’s Yellowstone International Air Show, we thought today’s Council Bulletin should focus on our airport and airport issues—from more-power maintenance *queue Tim … Continued
The following information is provided by the City of Billings in an effort to educate and prepare Billings residents and visitors to our city during the Yellowstone International Air Show, August 12-13, 2023. You’ve likely already noticed increased air traffic … Continued
PROVIDING CERTAINTY FOR PARKS BOND IMPLEMENTATION Council’s first work session in August has two topics for discussion, one of which is Councilman Rupsis’ initiative to draft a resolution outlining specific criteria for management, scheduling, and partner engagement with the upcoming … Continued
LIMITS OF ANNEXATION MAP & POLICY CHANGES PROPOSED Normally, City Council doesn’t meet on the 5th Monday of the month, but we are in for a treat tonight! City Council has a work session discussion on the limits of annexation … Continued
PAVING THE WAY: UPDATING 2017 BIKE & PEDESTRIAN STUDY On the Consent Agenda tonight is a contract for an update to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, renamed from the previous Billings Bikeway and Trails Master Plan which was completed … Continued
Taking place over two days, the Yellowstone International Airshow has an action-packed lineup of events featuring the Navy’s best aviators in the air with the World-Famous Blue Angels. Join us for this amazing regional event as a volunteer. Details on … Continued
THERE’S MORE THAN “ONE-WAY” TO DOWNTOWN Council’s first agenda item tonight is on two-way street restoration in downtown. While street design may seem like a trivial decision, it actually has a significant impact and indicates what we prioritize and value … Continued
BOND, GYMS BOND….AND PARKS AND TRAILS, TOO. Tonight, City Council will vote on whether to send voters a $143 million bond question to fund capital investment in Billings’s parks, recreation facilities, and trails. The discussion on parks and recreation funding has been … Continued
Spotlight on Property Tax Reappraisal Many Montanans have now received their property tax reappraisal from the state Department of Revenue. And it almost certainly went up. For some, WAY up. But what does that actually mean as far as your … Continued
RESIDENTIAL RUBBISH A little over a year ago, the city swapped out the massive, shared 300 gallon trash bins with individual 96 gallon bins for residential use. As you would expect, the shared nature—a trash tragedy of the commons—of the … Continued