State Legislature 2024: HD43-Larry Brewster (R)
Housing, land use, work force training Medicaid
Lower taxes, reducing the time for project approvals of projects.
Change the problems at the borders, work with the schools to improve graduation rates, slow the migration of problems from the rest of eastern Montana or provide regional services for behavior problems and pathways to crime.
I support most of the recommendations from the governors committee, most of those that have financial considerations need to have a bill written and get a fiscal note so we can see what the cost is and what the benefit will be.
Going beyond where it is moves it to statewide businesses, I don’t think we should go farther until we get an idea what the back fill from income tax will be.
With changes and some assurance that the rules would be followed as far as eligibility.
TIFs and TEDs need to take some time before the pass a bond to extend the district, have a meeting with the taxing entities if their original goals have been met, decide if the base should be reset, or the district dissolved.
Pot all voted and fixed mails under 15-10-420 which levels the up and down motions of revenue by reducing the number of mills levied, because the growth is regulated.