State Legislature 2024: HD51-Janna Hafer (I)
- Fixing the state school funding formula
- Medicaid expansion
- Housing that is available and affordable for Montanans to live in
I hope the impact of implementing these policies will allow Montanans to feel they have hope for their future.
I would support continuing the efforts to revise and improve or eliminate burdensome regulations of doing business in Montana.
Revisions to the Youth Court Act to ensure the rights of incarcerated youth are necessary, and I would support revised efforts to pass that legislation. I would also support legislation that empowers law enforcement to fight fentanyl in our communities. I would adamantly oppose Constitutional Sheriff Bills like SB 272 from the 2023 legislative session that would have limited the efficacy of federal authorities like the DEA and FBI from targeting fentanyl in our communities. Local law enforcement does not have the capacity to combat the problem alone, and undercutting the support our local enforcement receives from federal agencies only exacerbates the problem. In addition, the state should reimburse counties for holding state prisoners in county facilities at a rate at least equal to the cost to the county housing them. Plus, the state should limit the number of and duration of stays of state prisoners in county facilities in proportion to the capacity of the facility.
Another piece of the pie is the need to deal with mental health issues in a person’s life sooner rather than later. For example, visiting nurses’ programs for expectant and new parents provide support that can translate into a more stable home environment. Also, improving reading opportunities from birth can translate into improved reading levels in the classroom. A child that is not reading on grade level by third grade is an indicator of progression toward legal problems.
We should consider everything we can while still being true to our values. I support the legislature incentivizing local infrastructure that will support affordable housing, I would support loosening regulations for ADU’s, and I would support legislation that incentivizes green building practices. In addition, not all construction needs to be new construction. Maintaining or increasing the state historic tax credits in order to rehabilitate existing empty historic buildings on Main Streets in Montana towns and cities can promote housing opportunities that are affordable while also energizing downtowns and ultimately increasing the tax base.
I would absolutely support lowering taxes on Yellowstone County businesses, as long as these policies are targeted to provide relief to the actual bedrocks of our economies, small businesses. As a small business owner, I feel the sting of taxes every year. While I am proud to support the state of Montana by paying my fair share, I would work to tailor legislation that limits tax relief only to those who need it most.
I would wholeheartedly support the expansion of Medicaid. So many families in this state rely on Medicaid, and without it, small business will be required to increase their expenses to fill that gap, hurting local businesses and creating further administrative burdens on already overworked families. As a small business owner, I will proudly support Medicaid reauthorization.
I am a strong supporter of Tax Increment Financing. The three TIF districts in Billings have worked diligently to improve their areas of town while providing significant improvements to the community and significantly increasing the tax base. Some people view TIF as a tax give-away; however, TIF is one of the few tools available for encouraging owners to improve their properties within blighted areas which really benefits the entire community.
Regarding the 12 recommendations from the Governor’s Property Tax Task Force, my initial thoughts are as follows:
1. I support reviewing property tax rates. The recommendations presented represent a good place to start the discussion.
2, 3, 4. The Montana constitution states, “The legislature shall provide a basic system of free quality public elementary and secondary schools. … It shall fund and distribute in an equitable manner to the school districts the state’s share of the cost of the basic elementary and secondary school system.” The current state school funding formula is NOT working! The three recommendations presented by the Tax Task Force do not adequately or appropriately address the funding issue experienced by SD2, the largest school district in the state of Montana. As a Billings School Board trustee for the past 11 years, I am intimately familiar with these issues and am eager to work on them.
5. I do not support requiring a super majority.
6. I do support expressing mill levies in dollars
7. On the face of it, I don’t think I support sunsetting all levies after 10 years.
8. I am not familiar with HB 51, so I have no response at this time.
9. Refer to previous response on TIF above. (#5 under Policy questions)
10. I am not in favor of a bill to study special taxing districts. Local communities should have the ability to decide for themselves regarding the necessity for a special district.
11. I’ve briefly reviewed Utah’s “Truth in Taxation” law and feel it is both unfair and unworkable in Montana.
12. I am open to a discussion regarding an asset-based test in order to qualify for Montana’s Property Tax Assistance Program.