Chamber Listens – Other people’s ideas
Topic: How the Chamber can Improve My Bottom Line
Start a successful business person mentor program where new businesses can learn the ropes.
Create a small business incubator or mentorship program.
Create a co-mentorship program, connecting professionals on different ends of the age spectrum to share with each other and learn from one another.
The Chamber should offer a series on one of the strategic initiatives each month to help inform the membership.
Provide a series of 3-4 educational, monthly seminars based on one theme: technology, small business, education, etc.
Start a Women in Business monthly program/networking group.
Create a one month mini-series on Leadership Billings topics, offering a few hours each week.
Mini-Leadership Billings - introduce each topic in a one-day program with 1-2 hours on each subject.
Offer affordable training for employees.
Have more socials.